Changes in today’s working environment bring new opportunities — and a host of new challenges.

There are obvious benefits to working from home, like time saved during the morning commute. Certainly, there are fewer pileups tying up traffic as you navigate from the bedroom to the home office instead of fighting through traffic on the interstate. You are probably also spending less money by skipping that stop at Starbucks for a venti cup of joe or eating out at lunchtime with clients or coworkers.

But this new normal, as we’ve all started calling it, also comes with a fresh set of challenges. Summer break came several months early this year for kids who are now underfoot while you try to work from home. And, if someone had asked you in January if you wanted to meet via Zoom, you might have thought it meant to zoom on over in-person. What a difference a few months and a global pandemic can make!

As we move toward our new normal, are you struggling to work remotely? Are you modifying your office to a hybrid of staff working from home and the office? Are you meeting with clients virtually?

All these options show just how important it is to use online portals to effectively manage your agency.

The changes in today’s working environment have brought challenges when it comes to technology. These last few months have shown just how important it is to use online portals to effectively manage a remote agency, and to communicate externally with clients. The advantages of using an online benefit administration system grow more critical every day.

So how do you make the switch without adding even more stress?

We offer agencies a cost-effective solution that streamlines your online benefit administration. 1Enroll is an online benefit administration system that supports you wherever you are, whenever clients need you. 

Worried about how to transition from your client’s paper-based process to a software-based digital solution?

During the onboarding process, we analyze the current process and create a streamlined, paperless solution to help you scale and simplify. We will also conduct a payroll and carrier bill audit to ensure the correct charges apply.

With 1Enroll, we use Employee Navigator, the benefit administration service you already know and trust, servicing over 1,200 brokers with 27,000 employers and 5 million lives.

Why haven’t you made the move to online access?

Managing the growing complexities of human resources and employee benefit systems can be a headache — even without working remotely! Daily challenges are amplified when you are working remotely, or your clients request online systems. Agencies that are paper-based or call-based are tied to the office and, right now, they may be losing clients tocompetitors.

Many agents do not have the time, resources, or budget to manage this effectively. This is where we can help. Streamline your work, connect from anywhere, and work more effectively through 1Enroll.


Simply put: GRA Benefits does all the work, while you keep and grow the client.

Focus on what you do best — and let us provide full portal management for your clients with 1Enroll. Contact us today to learn more or to get started.